7 Reasons Why Powder Paints are Damaged on Interior Surfaces


Powder Paint damage is defined as the loss of bond adhesion between the primer and the surface or a reduction in the bonding strength between the coats of paints and the substrate/surface. It also expresses degradation that reduces the lifespan of the paint/coating. Because the paint is damaged, it fails to protect the surfaces for which the paint is used, the surface loses its intended aesthetic, and also fails to perform some other required functionality. The onset of paint failure is often slow, but once the damage begins to spread quickly. Powder Paint damage is also known as loss of paint adhesion.


Powder Paint damage may be due to paint shrinkage, movement of the paint film on the surface due to temperature changes, or moisture penetration through the paint layers at cracks and holes. It is also caused by the expansion of air or water vapor from the surface.


7 reasons why coating  is damaged on interior surfaces


2-Insufficient surface preparation

3-Improper application of  powder  paints

4-bad workmanship

5-Weathering / Weather Conditions


7-Wrong choice of powder paint




Atmospheric influences such as heat, humidity, chemical attack, etc. will damage the coating. The causes of failure are different for both the internal and external surfaces. That is why there are different powder paints for interior and exterior surfaces. Here we will mainly discuss the reasons why powder paint is damaged on interior surfaces.


The main causes of powder paint damage



The risk of damage to the powder paint on the interior surfaces or peeling increases, because the means or methods of water escaping that are introduced during the manufacturing processes and the poor quality of the manufacturing materials. For this reason; The presence of moisture speeds up the process of separating the coating from the surface.


Due to humidity two main drawbacks appear:


A-Flaking - Peeling paint is one of the many imperfections on a powder-painted surface. This defect arises due to the presence of moisture on the surface.

B- Blistering - blisters in the powder paint are also caused by moisture.




2-Insufficient surface preparation:


The durability of any coating depends on the complete and thorough preparation of the surface before powder painting. The surface must be smooth, even, and free from any kind of dirt, oil, etc. which does not allow for a complete bonding between the surface and the powder paint.

In the case of re-painting, it is not necessary to remove all existing paint but to remove all loose chips. Any cracks or other defects do not allow the paint to adhere properly to the surface. Hence proper surface preparation is very essential.

Cracking in the powder paint layer occurs due to insufficient surface preparation. Cracking is a defect in the coating that arises due to poor quality coating, insufficient surface preparation, and insufficient adhesion.




3-Improper application of powder  paints:

Spray paint can be applied. If proper spray and oven tools are not used to coat the surface, the paint is very likely to be damaged.


Improper application of powder paints is the cause of the following two defects:

A- Creeping - paint is damaged if a new coat of paint is applied over a previous coat in a wet condition. So always let the coat of paint dry before applying the second coat.

B- Wrinkles - Creases and wrinkles occur when the underlying layer of powder paint does not dry due to the thickening of the paint layer, which shrinks due to drying over time.




4-bad workmanship:

Poor workmanship is also responsible for powder paint damage. Sometimes the contractor applies the paint so thinly that it indirectly saves materials and labour that it wears out. Thin film coating has a shorter life.



5-Weathering / Weather Conditions:

The formation of a white chalky powder on the surface coating layer is known as “chalk”. This defect is often caused by excessive sunlight, moisture, and oxygen in the moisture.



Flowering is the displacement of salts to the surface of a porous material, where the salts form a coating. Flowering occurs for various reasons such as:

The presence of water or moisture in the substrate of the building material comes on top of it due to the effect of capillary property.

The addition of a crystalline powder on the underside of the powder paint layer will eventually cause the paint to collapse if the substrate is covered with an impermeable layer such as synthetic enamel.

In the case of porous films such as emulsion powder paints, the salt solution can pass through the layer, and crystallize on the coating layer. It can be removed from the layer without any damage.



7-Wrong choice of powder  paint:

Interior paints are selected based on climatic conditions. For example, water-based paints are suitable for areas of high humidity. Such as the bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room furniture where moisture-resistant powder paints should be used.